Saturday 23 March 2013

Review on Veronica Roth's Divergent Novel

Divergent (Divergent, #1)Divergent by Veronica Roth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I feel like this book deserves a better review than my previous one.

Brief description on the society
In this novel, America is sectioned off into different factions (at least I'm assuming it's America, it is most of the time). There are five different factions. Each faction stands for something else.

Abnegation : Believe in selflessness. They think of others above everything else. They are not allowed to be self indulgent. They are not even allowed to look into mirrors. They dress in all grey.

Candor : Believe in being honest all the time. They wear black and white clothes.

Dauntless :Value bravery and courage. They resent cowardice. They wear black clothes. They are daredevils.

Erudith : Value information. They want to know everything. they dress in blue, because blue supposedly releases chemicals that calm you. And a calm mind is a clear mind.

Amity : Value peace. They think violence and aggression is not the way in which to live your life. They wear red and yellow clothes.

The actual story of this book
Beatrice Prior was born Abnegation. She has tried all her life to fit in to that faction. Unfortunately, she never quite could. At her aptitude test, Beatrice discovers that she is Divergent. She's not quite sure what that means, but only that it is not good and no one must ever find out.
At the choosing ceremony she makes the choice to join (view spoiler)[Dauntless (hide spoiler)]. Although she must survive initiation or risk becoming factionless.

My thoughts on the book
Well if my five star rating didn't tell you already, i LOVE this book. Why you ask?
1) I greatly admire Tris. She seems so small and fragile, and it would be so easy for her to succumb to cowardice but she doesn't. She is brave. After my first reading of this book I wanted to be like her. Sometimes, if i feel like chickening out of something I try to be like her. I can have fears, so long as I do not let them control me.
2) Four/(view spoiler)[Tobais (hide spoiler)]:
I loved him. He's so strong and scary, can be intimidating at times, but underneath is such vulnerability and... i just want to hug him.
3)Veronica Roth:
I loved how she wrote this book. From the very beginning something interesting and exciting is happening and she keeps this up throughout the novel.


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