Friday 28 June 2013


I'm not sure about you, but sometimes I have a lot of books on my shelves or on my kindle that I am eager to read. And sometimes, i get overwhelmed with the shear amount of books. It's like this, I'll got to the library and pick up a book or two, I'll come home only to receive a text message from the kind people at the library, informing me that a book I requested, about 3 months ago, is awaiting me back at the library. Due to the limited time allowed for you to go and pick up the book, or else they'll give it to someone else, you hurry back the next day for said book.

Three, I can handle three, but then you get a book or two on your kindle or you buy a new release and your just so eager to start all of them at once - but you can't of course. So you sit there staring at the steadily growing pile of books, knowing you've to return some of them in the course of a week or two. 

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with the amount of books I want to read, that I simply don't read any of them at all. I sit there  saying 'No!' and take a time out. Because when i'm in that state of mind, reading becomes an obligation, no longer the care free thing i venture to for an escape. It becomes one of the reasons for my need of escape. So instead I watch tv or browse the internet - or write on my blog how this overwhelming feeling associates itself with me.

I'm not sure if this is a common thing that some readers experience. All I know is that sometimes wanting to read so much in turn, puts me in a reading slump. And I don't want to be in a reading slump, but I can eerily feel myself slipping already.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by john Green and David Levithan

Will Grayson, Will GraysonWill Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I liked this book - just not enough to give 4 stars (sorry John, sorry David). Whilst reading it I felt I could instantly tell which of the Will Graysons that John Green wrote. Idk it just had that John feel- if you know what I mean? I don't even know if I know what I mean,so it must be harder for you reading this.
That being said, I haven't actually read a David Levithan book yet. I mean to, and I will, I just haven't yet. they don't have any in my library except Are We There Yet, and I don't know if I'll like that book. (comment below please if you think its good, Or just comment if you read this, I doubt anyone will. Which in essence means I'm talking to myself).

I've been ranting on and I haven't even told you about this book yet. Sorry I'm not usually this rambley (it's not a word, I know).

Okay, so there's these two teenage boys who live in different states. And big surprise, both their names are Will Grayson.
Both Wills are very different from the other. I kinda liked the sad Will though, but thats just me and my weird mind, i like to comfort the broken - how cliche? Anyway he is - you know - swinging for the other team, so anywho..

I LOVED Tiny. I just want a big fat Gay friend who is Tiny and who staged these magical musicals and we go on adventures and he sets me up on dates, even though I quite frankly told him I'm not interested in Jane. But he does it anyway and I get annoyed, but its okay because then I might actually like Jane and blah blah blah etc etc you get it.

I literally laughed out loud at this book, which is a hard thing to make me do.

But remember... you can't pick your friends, but you can pick you friends nose!

(I'm aware that that sentence makes no sense if you haven't read the book. So go away and read it and get in the know!)

Oh and Maura is a bitch after what she did. I don't care. It was not nice!

View all my reviews

Enders game by Orson Scott Card

Ender's GameEnder's Game by Orson Scott Card
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It took me so long to read this, which I dont understand. Well.. after i had begun it, I put myself on a reading ban during the lead up to my exams so that counts for something. Also i never was in the mood to read it. Which also doesn't make sense because when I was reading it, i did infact enjoy it. I guess i'm just weird or something.

My thoughts on this book:

I continually had to remind my self that Ender was a child. Not some twenty-something year old.
At the beginning I found the book quite strange. Like really, you expect a 6 year old to save the entire human race?
I very much enjoyed Enders intellect. It kinda made me ashamed of my own average intelligence. (hopefully average anyway). It took my awhile to imagine the battle rooms and how these fights were playing out, because i'm not as familiar with the essence of movement without gravity and when up isn't actually up, its like west or something.
I liked that we got to look at was happening back on earth abit with Valentine and Peter.

I kinda hated the ending (not the actual ending, the part with the last battle if you know what i mean- i don't really want to spoil anything but it's very hard to explain what i'm referring to without actually spoiling it)

Overall - Yes I enjoyed it, and I'm thinking of reading another science-fictiony book again, as I do not read them frequently.

View all my reviews

Monday 24 June 2013

Saving June by Hannah Harrington

"If she'd waited less than two weeks, she'd have been June that died in June.
But I guess my sister didn't consider that."

Harper was always the disappointment in the family, the one who could have tried harder. June was always the good, over achieving one, the one her parents were proud of. But June killed herself and left Harper behind.

After the shocking discovery of her sisters suicide, the collapse of her family and the stranger who glares at her. Harper decides to do one last thing for her sister, steal her ashes and bring her to California, where her dream life could have been.

With the help of her friend Laney, and the strange boy who somehow has links to June, the three of them head off on a journey. Along the way there are tears, hookups, knuckle fighting and maybe love. But there are still things Harper wants to know about June, but in the process will she, herself be able to find peace?

I really enjoyed this book. I think the reason why I enjoyed it because I could relate very well to both Harper an June. Suicide affects many people, not just the person committing it. And for those left behind it can seem very difficult to understand such actions. That someone could get that sad, that sadness could invade every aspect of their life to be left with such an option to find a release. Partly why I enjoyed this book so much is because it made me think, made me ponder. And I know many people may not enjoy this book the amount I did, but I think they just don't understand it, or don't like the reality of it. 
This book was about more than just suicide though, it was about life, an living it.

"There is so much beauty in just existing. In being alive. I don't want to miss a second"

I loved this quote. It is easy to get carried away on focusing on the negative aspects in life, in the unfair, unruly, seemingly unrelenting thing it is to exist that we let good beautiful things pass is by. I read somewhere that 'If we continually hold on to things that make us sad, we will never be happy'. And quotes are a big thing to me. I could loathe a book or a poem - or whatever else, but if I find a poignant insightful quote or line or sentence, then reading it wasn't a waste. Writing speaks to me far more than art ever could. And I know a picture can say a thousand words, but I like finding the right words.

I feel I may have gotten a bit off topic. This books isn't just about suicide or being sad. It's about love, making mistakes, forgiveness. I encourage you to read it. I rated it 5 stars on my goodreads account (should probably write a review on there too) 

Let me know in the comments if you read this book, and whether you enjoyed it or not. Also if my review encourages you to read it :)

Thursday 20 June 2013

If I stay by Gayle Forman

Mia is a quiet shy cello player going about her life. Her life is quite ordinary and she lives in a close knit family who love each other dearly. She has a bestfriend Kim, and a rock star boyfriend called Adam. Everything was going okay until one day when the snow fell. On a trip into the city with her family, a truck hits the car which changed Mia's life forever.

She wakes up after the crash, only to realise she can see her body laying crumpled on the ground. She witnessed the horrific consequences of the crash. And Mia has a choice. Whether she chooses to stay alive or dies. 

It's not an easy choice. There's many reasons to go and to stay. 

I really liked this book. It's not very serious all of the time. It's emotional but it has elements to lighten it up and to make you laugh. 

It really makes you wonder what you would do in those circumstances, would you stay? Or would you leave?

Hopefully the choice may be ours to make.

Monday 17 June 2013

Where Have I been?

 I'm sorry I've been away, but i have some legit reasons my friends. See there's this thing called a leaving certificate that all sixth year students have to sit in order to attend a good college. So I've been away studying sadly. It has not been fun. Fortunately i am now finished! I graduated from secondary school so I've been kinda busy closing this chapter in my life. But I have not forgotten you, my dear readers (seriously does anyone ever read these? ) 

So here's a random collage of my life recently. Hope you enjoy :)

Also I am very excited to announce that my reading ban is officially over!!

So that means expect some book reviews very soon. Also maybe some movie reviews. 

Add comments as to what type of posts you would like to see.