Thursday 27 June 2013

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by john Green and David Levithan

Will Grayson, Will GraysonWill Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I liked this book - just not enough to give 4 stars (sorry John, sorry David). Whilst reading it I felt I could instantly tell which of the Will Graysons that John Green wrote. Idk it just had that John feel- if you know what I mean? I don't even know if I know what I mean,so it must be harder for you reading this.
That being said, I haven't actually read a David Levithan book yet. I mean to, and I will, I just haven't yet. they don't have any in my library except Are We There Yet, and I don't know if I'll like that book. (comment below please if you think its good, Or just comment if you read this, I doubt anyone will. Which in essence means I'm talking to myself).

I've been ranting on and I haven't even told you about this book yet. Sorry I'm not usually this rambley (it's not a word, I know).

Okay, so there's these two teenage boys who live in different states. And big surprise, both their names are Will Grayson.
Both Wills are very different from the other. I kinda liked the sad Will though, but thats just me and my weird mind, i like to comfort the broken - how cliche? Anyway he is - you know - swinging for the other team, so anywho..

I LOVED Tiny. I just want a big fat Gay friend who is Tiny and who staged these magical musicals and we go on adventures and he sets me up on dates, even though I quite frankly told him I'm not interested in Jane. But he does it anyway and I get annoyed, but its okay because then I might actually like Jane and blah blah blah etc etc you get it.

I literally laughed out loud at this book, which is a hard thing to make me do.

But remember... you can't pick your friends, but you can pick you friends nose!

(I'm aware that that sentence makes no sense if you haven't read the book. So go away and read it and get in the know!)

Oh and Maura is a bitch after what she did. I don't care. It was not nice!

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